Causes Of Bicycle Accidents In Atlanta
What makes Atlanta roads so dangerous for bicyclists? While pedestrian-friendly, cities like Atlanta are designed to accommodate heavy traffic. Roads are jammed on a daily basis, which jeopardizes the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians alike. As a result, bicyclists are at an increased risk of being involved in an accident when sharing the road with larger vehicles.
Common causes of bicycle accidents include:
Failure to yield
Aggressive driving
Distracted driving/riding
Riding at night
Driving/riding under the influence
Equipment malfunctions and defects
Dangerous road conditions
Inclement weather
Under Georgia law, bicycles are treated as vehicles. Like cars, cyclists must adhere to the same rules of the road, including - but not limited to - following speed limit signs, using signals, and stopping at stop signs.
When Should You Contact An Atlanta Bicycle Accident Lawyer
As a bicyclist, you have very little protecting yourself from harm. If you are involved in an accident with a motor vehicle, you are at a greater risk of suffering a life-threatening or fatal injury.
Our bicycle accident attorneys represent clients with catastrophic and life-threatening injuries, including:
If another person’s negligence or actions have caused you to suffer a bicycle accident injury, you have the right to file a lawsuit seeking damages. However, Georgia law limits the amount of time you have to file a claim.
In the state of Georgia, you must file a personal injury claim within two years. If the injury claim is against a city or county, you have just six months to file a claim; however, you do have two years for claims filed against the state.
Liability For Bicycle Accidents In Atlanta
The question remains - who can be held financially responsible for your bicycle accident injuries? In Georgia, anyone who contributed to the cause of your accident can be held into account for damages.
Drivers: Drivers have a duty to prevent any foreseeable harm while on the road. Not only must they obey posted traffic laws, but also operate their vehicles with care. Drivers who fail to do so can be held liable for injuries that result.
Pedestrians: In Georgia, pedestrians have a responsibility to remain alert when sharing the road with bicycles and other vehicles. Pedestrians who choose to jaywalk or cross intersections against a traffic signal can create a situation that is dangerous to anyone in the surrounding area, including bicyclists.
Manufacturers: When you purchase a bike, it is expected to work as intended and not malfunction. Unfortunately, sometimes defects in bicycles can make riding unsafe and lead to accidents. Bicycle companies can be held liable for injuries caused by defects in the products sold.
Government: It’s up to the city of Atlanta to make sure that its roads are free from dangerous conditions and hazards. If the government is aware, or should have been aware, of any dangerous road condition that caused your accident, it can be liable for damages you suffer as a result.
Call Our Atlanta Bicycle Accident Lawyers Today!
Even low-speed collisions with a vehicle can have disastrous consequences for a cyclist. If you or someone you love has been hurt in a bicycle accident, our Atlanta bicycle accident attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf to safeguard your rights, negotiate with the insurance company, and fight for fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a bicycle accident attorney in Atlanta.
750 Hammond Dr building 12 suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30328
Tel: (404) 593-2705
Tel: (678) 793-9393