Filing a Whistleblower Lawsuit Using the False Claims Act
Under the False Claims Act, citizen whistleblowers are able to take legal action on the federal government’s behalf against contractors that have defrauded the government. Employees can acquire substantial financial reimbursement by speaking up against their employers. Under the Whistleblower Protection Act, there are protective measures to keep employers from retaliating against the whistleblower.
Whistleblower claims can involve:
IRS fraud or tax evasion
University research grants
Failing to pay overtime benefits
Defense contract overcharging
Mortgage fraud
Health care fraud
Violations of workplace safety and lack of injury reports
Food safety violations
Motor vehicle safety violations
Airline violations
The False Claims Act offers considerable rewards of 15-30 percent of any money the government recovers in the lawsuit to encourage whistleblowers to come forward with the information they have about government fraud. Promptly reporting the fraud improves the odds of recovering a large award, while typically the first whistleblower to report the fraud can recover that reward. This is why filing a timely claim is crucial, and why contacting a whistleblower lawyer is your best bet.
A whistleblower is anyone with knowledge of a company or organization’s fraudulent acts against a government agency who takes legal action. If you have specific information about government fraud, a whistleblower lawsuit could result in a reward for you, while also protecting you from retaliation by your employer.
As an incentive to come forward, citizens benefit from the False Claims Act, which gives citizens the right to sue on behalf of the government. In suing companies, organizations and individuals who have fraudulently taken from the government, you receive a percentage of the damages as well. This action is called a “qui tam” claim.
If you have credible evidence that your employer or another company or organization has defrauded the government, contact our Atlanta whistleblower lawyers at Ugwonali Law Firm for more information.
What is a Whistleblower?
Filing a Whistleblower Claim
The key goal in filing a qui tam claim is persuading the government to intervene in your case. A skilled Atlanta whistleblower attorney like the ones at Ugwonali Law Firm can help advance your case and spark government aid.
The process begins by filing a disclosure statement with the government, which would provide the details and supporting documentation of the fraud. After a 60 day period in which the disclosure remains ‘private’, the government then determines whether it wants to take part in your lawsuit. Although the claim is much more likely to be successful when the government intervenes, it might be beneficial to proceed without the government’s help.
Contact Our Whistleblower Lawyers Today
If you have knowledge of your company’s fraudulent practices against the government, you may be able to collect part of the settlement. Contact our Atlanta whistleblower lawyers immediately to begin discussing the legal options available to you. Ugwonali Law Firm will work to ensure that your service is appropriately rewarded.
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